Indian captain Rohit Sharma offered multiple stump-mic gems throughout the course of the India-England Test series. Most notably, his hindi one-liner during the Visakhapatnam Test, “Koi garden mai nahi ghumega (No one will roam around in the garden).” The phrase garnered further attention when Sharma posted a photo on his Instagram alongside Yashasvi Jaiswal, Sarfaraz Khan, Shubman Gill and Dhruv Jurel that was captioned along the same lines.
The Indian skipper finally took to breaking apart the idea behind the same. Recollecting the recently concluded series in a video on the Team Ro45 Instagram channel, Rohit suggested that it was to make sure all the players are quick on their feet and get the job done.
“Sometimes I say things that are caught on the stump mic. But that’s me, that’s how I am. It is not to hurt anyone, but just to make sure that they are on the job, they’re thinking about the team and making a difference on the field. And I was very pleased to see everyone engage into that. That is this whole thing about me trying to tell them ki bhai, koi yaha pe ghumega nahi. Just make sure that you don’t forget the job in hand,” Rohit said.
Furthermore expanding on what all curtailed his mannerisms on pitch, Rohit added, “Whether it is me shouting at them, whether it is getting Sarfaraz to stand in one position, or whether me telling Jurel, ‘Bhai, isko aage bhadao, stumping nikalke dikha (Move the batsman forward, execute a stumping)’.”
The Indian skipper also spilled beans on Jurel’s stumping of Ollie Pope in the fifth Test, conceding that it was Sarfaraz Khan – fielding at short leg – who had predicted that the English vice-captain would advance down the track.
“By the way, that stumping was brilliant. Sarfaraz Khan was the one who predicted that. I had stationed him a bit further up, in short leg, when he said, ‘Now, he’ll leave the crease. Be ready for a stumping.’ Next ball…. brilliant,” Rohit said before conceding, “I thoroughly enjoyed playing with these boys. Hopefully in the future, we’ll play a lot more.”